Sunday, January 20, 2008


Oh my god, I finally found time to actually post an entry! Hoorah! Life has never been busier for me since school started! I'ts really crazy and stressful at the same time. Anyway, I'm don't think I have anything significant to post about, but I'll just crap something out just to keep this blog 'so-called' alive. Anyway, this week is going to be as busy as usual, if not busier.

Things I have to get done:
- Prepare for a Maths spot-test on 'Integration', which apparently happens to be one of my weakest topics because I didn't finish the homework on that chapter. =P I can't flop it either because the subject teacher is my club's ex-teacher advisor. Don't want to spoil my image in front of him, if you know what I mean.
- Study for my Japanese Trial Exam on Sunday. We had a spot-test today and I did horribly! I can't imagine how will I do in the 'listening' test next week. It's probably going to be a disaster. Zz.
- Discuss with my Buddhist Society committee about activities to be held and conduct it on Friday.
- Do research on an activity that Majlis Tingkatan Enam (MTE) is up to. [Top Secret] Lol.

And in the meantime, I have to:
- Work part-time on Thursday and Friday [4-30pm to 10pm]
- Attend a St. John's Foot Drill Course on Saturday and then tuition in the afternoon. (There goes my Saturday, sigh....)
- Finish every homework.
- Squeeze in time to learn driving [I hope to get my 'P' before CNY >.<]

Cool, eh? I know this sounds crazy but hectic schedule is kind of fun sometimes! It keeps my adrenaline pumping like crazy! Anyway, I hope to get everything done as soon as possible. Hopefully, the 'Procrastinating' disease will not visit me anytime soon. Hopefully too, I will not break down emotionally or physically...I'm a survivor!

I'm a survivor ,
I'm not gonna give up ,
I'm not gon' stop ,
I'm gonna work harder ,
I'm a survivor ,
I'm gonna make it ,
I will survive ,
Keep on survivin' ,

-Determined to survive-

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