Sunday, September 28, 2008


Pokemon is back! And it's taking High School Klang by storm - well, at least in 6A2 it is. It is unbelievable that in the midst of exam, everybody is once again addicted to Pokemon! Extreme pressure? Probably. Anyway, almost everybody is playing Pokemon through their cellphones now except for, well, me =( And that's only because I do not have a decent phone that supports Pokemon. I hope I can get a new mobile soon and start my Pokemon adventure as well~ Can't wait! =D

Gotta catch 'em all~ P-O-K-E-M-O-N!



阿Don said...

pokemon .. catch xx go ~xxxxxx

u and me and u and me.. po~~ ke ~~ mon.. XD


haha,my favourite..!

阿Don said...

oh.. i suddenly rmb the song..

" i wanna be.. the very best.. no more xxxx..

if pokemon.. u understand .. xxxx

pokemon..catch ..xx go

pokemon.. oh.. u understand..
pokemon! "