Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Joe shouted his name and pointed towards the area below the hoop. He hesitated for awhile but still made his move as he thought it was only one of Joe's strategy to distract the enemies from him. He took a few steps back. The enemies ignored him as they had not expected any outcomes from him, as observed in the previous match yesterday. He turned to look at the hoop, doubtful of his own position and abilities. Joe shouted for his name again. He turned towards Joe and saw a ball flying rapidly towards his direction. The ball knocks his arm, almost causing him a heart attack. He panicked for a split second but managed to keep his mind focus. He grabbed the ball. At the same time, he saw 1 of the enemy right beside him, ready to steal the ball anytime. Indecisive and ambiguity overwhelmed him.

He remembered Joe's words, whenever the ball is in my hand, just pass it to him. But he was just below the hoop, a perfect place for any amateur players to score, easily. He looks at Joe again. He hadn't had much time as the enemy was ready to strike anytime. He made his choice. He is going for the hoop.

He threw the ball. The ball went up high, even higher than the board. He loses slight hope of scoring. But miracle or some sort happened. The ball flew straight down hitting the ring. It circled around the ring, like you see in those movies. He froze with fear. Silence. And like most movies, the ball finally entered the hoop. 2 points to Mallory.

The world around him turned into silence. He stared blankly at the hoop. Astonished yet disbelief at the same time. As he ran back towards his base, preparing to defend against the enemies, he gains back his focus. He heard cheers from the crowd. He smiles sheepishly towards the crowd and told himself a silent 'yes' under his breath.

I scored my first points in my first ever basketball competition.

Cheers, to Joe for the chance and the enemies for a great game.

Long live Mallory.


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